And honestly...I'm not sorry about it.
Two years ago, Jonathan & I posted pictures of our gifts on social media after we had ripped through all the pretty paper and opened everything up. We felt a little twinge of guilt as we looked back when we realized how much money we had spent.
Last year, Jonathan told me we probably shouldn't post any pictures of our gifts. I agreed whole-heartedly. We didn't want people to think we were boasting in celebrating Christmas big, and we definitely didn't want anyone thinking we didn't celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.
But honestly...why do we let others' thoughts get in our way? We know what we celebrate. We know why we celebrate. We know traditions our families hold -- we both read the Christmas story & reflect on how abundantly blessed we are. We know that Jesus was probably not even born on December 25th, but sometime around this date. We understand how precious and important the celebration of Christmas is. We realize we have more than we could ever dream of having at our young age. We have been blessed far more than we ever deserved or could have hoped for.
So why are we ashamed that we do Christmas big? There are a lot of gifts under our tree, and most of them are for Jonathan & me... (and Luna). Our families have both celebrated Christmas BIG our entire lives. My parents have always given Ellie & me the world, and it was no different on Christmas morning. Same with Jonathan's parents for him and Katherine. Just because we give lots of gifts doesn't make us less of a Christian.
I am not suggesting you change your views or your ways just because we celebrate big. If you don't partake in giving lots of gifts, or any gifts at all on Christmas, that is perfectly fine! Those are your traditions! But I'm tired of walking on my tiptoes around the holidays because we have lots of presents under our tree.
Y'all, our house is *tiny*. Our tree literally takes up a good chunk of our living room. You can't even walk around the tree area because it's so tight over there. But our house is cozy. Our hearts are full of love. And we are happy.
Jonathan and I know the organizations and people we give to each year at Christmas. The Lord knows our hearts, and I don't think we will have to give an account for giving lots of gifts to each other on Christmas Day.
This has been on my heart all season long. Big Christmases are our tradition. It's a day to celebrate how blessed we are, how sweet of a Savior we have been given, and how close our family is to one another. I love Christmas time. I love giving gifts. I love getting gifts! I love celebrating Christ, his birth, and what a miracle his birth was for all of us.
Merry Christmas to all of my sweet readers. May your Christmas be warm, happy, and wonderful.
You should see our tree! We do Christmas big too! I love the aspect of giving to my family :) giving gifts is my love language! And I don't feel bad about it! So glad you're deciding to let that go! It's fun to see the smiles on the family faces when they get something they have been wanting!