Today at work I was in a mood. Not awful, not great, just a mood. My coffee kept getting cold before I could finish it. If you can get a mental image of how frustrating that was, that's how my entire day went.
I was letting very minuscule things bother me...some that were going on at work right in front of me, some that were just scenarios floating around in my mind. And then it hit me: there are people in the world who would love to snatch up my bad day and take it for their own. Those people in Brussels? Those people who went through a traumatic bombing this morning at the airport? Them. I'm sure they'd give anything to have not had to go through that and who would've gladly switched places with me at my desk. My throat got tight when I pictured their faces while all of that was happening. A cold chill whispered all over my body and my eyes welled up with tears when I pictured kids' eyes darting back and forth, trying to figure out what was going on.
Those people would probably love to be at their desk having a bad day. But instead, that was what they dealt with today.
Why not me? Why not America? The world scares me.
Just two days ago we were at church, praying for our nation. We had absolutely no idea what was going to happen 48 hours later. We don't know what's going to happen in 2 days, much less 2 seconds.
I just wanted to come on here to say that.
Life is too short. Our next breath, nose sniffle, or eye blink isn't guaranteed. When things like this happen in our world it really puts things in perspective, doesn't it? I just dread bringing kids of my own into this scary place. I'm serious. I can't wait to be a mom, but man, I dread my kids having to see things like this before their own eyes.
My faith is what gets me through each day. I know that there will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, no more fears. There will be a day when the burdens of this place will be no more and we'll see Jesus face to face. {listen here}
Until then, I'll hit the ground with my knees and pray. Pray hard. Love on the ones you love the most. Embrace the good days, the bad days...embrace all the days. I guarantee your bad day was far, far better than most.
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