Sunday, March 27, 2016


It's Easter Sunday! This day means the world to me and so, so many others. It's the greatest day in Christian history. This day gets me super giddy inside..I'm talking butterflies fluttering in my stomach, heart racing (and NOT the anxious kind but the super excited kind!!), tears welled up in my eyes type of giddy. We can't even fathom the death He endured for us, but He overcame death and rose from the grave! Jesus Christ died the worst death - a sinner's death - on a cross. The cross was vile, repulsive, and the worst way to go out. Yet, He lived sin-free and completely pure. 

He made the ultimate sacrifice for you and me so we could have life here on Earth. So that we could sin time after time and be forgiven over and over again. The LOVE that Christ showcased by that action absolutely boggles my mind. I didn't do anything to deserve that. He saw my pitiful, sin-filled, shame and guilt-ridden face that day on the cross. I don't understand. But the best part about it is that I don't have to understand. That's the beauty of grace. 

Death could not hold him, the grave could not keep Him from rising again!

Living - He loved me.
Dying - He saved me.
Buried - He carried my sins far away.
Rising - He justified freely forever.
One day He's coming,
Oh, Glorious Day!

Happy Easter, friends. He is Risen! My Redeemer lives!


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